I sat in the stars

I went out in the night.
‘The heavens declare …’
“NO, let’s pollute it with light.”
‘The heavens declare …’
“Fill the void with satellites.”
‘The heavens declare …’
Planes flashing lights.

But my eyes are aware
That the heavens declare.

I sat in the stars; and
By the light of White Way,
Their Voice quickened me
In my heart.


I find I am lost.
In a liminality of longing.
In your lack of presence;
in your distance.

Where actually are you?
How can I give to absence?

For me, in freefall,
this is one of those nights:
dry, dense, dark,
where reason doesn’t count.

Today, I believe in paradox:
I cling to the insanity that
You are there.

That there are arms.

I am not falling
but being born.

Shall We Sing the Lord's Song?

A lilt on Psalm 139 written for the Northumbria Community Easter Caedmon Evening.
Caedmon was credited as having brought song to The Northumbria Church in Anglo-Saxon times. He loved putting the words of Psalms to music and praising God for Creation Read More…

Cross God ?

“My God why forsake me?” Read More…

Thank You

I thank you Good Father
That you have spoken me into being
And loved me eternally

I thank you brave Son for being my redeemer;
And giving me a light by which I may
Perceive you in the darkness

I thank you Kindly Spirit
For warming my heart and quickening my feet
On the journey

For now death has been defeated
And uncontrollable life made present.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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